Not long now, the album is tracked! We finished strong on Sunday. We’ve had a ball making this album and we reckon it sounds like a big funky party.
To Tyson Fish, thanks for your wit, talent and always impeccable sense of humour.
Dean J Miller, thanks for being there to document the experience this weekend, it’s going to make interesting viewing.
Fresh Violet, your energy is inspiring, and your verse is a highlight on the album.
Special extra whale tail shout out to our producer, mediator, facilitator and beacon of big love energy Jimi Maroudas. What a dead set legend he is.
We’re going to get busy mixing and mastering, getting artwork and packaging sorted, if you want to be a part of the new album from the ground floor, then sign up to our ”Mammailing List” here:
In the meantime, we think there are still a few tickets left for Thrashville if you want to come and see us play in a couple of weeks in the Hunter Valley, NSW.